StarrFantasy Wiki

Classes are the main way in which players progress and gain abilities in Starr Fantasy. All players start with the Commoner Class which grants no bonuses or abilities.

All classes also grant 50% more experience to skills related to the class, substantially speeding up the leveling progress for more gear.

1) Adventurer

1.1) Rogue

1.2) Chemist

1.3) Prospector

2) Cleric

2.1) Paladin

2.2) Chaplain

2.3) Priest

3) Mage

3.1) Arcanist

3.2) Elementalist

3.3) Spellsword

4) Ranger

4.1) Marksman

4.2) Hunter

4.3) Survivalist

5) Warrior

5.1) Guardian

5.2) Knight

5.3) Gladiator

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